Examples of Explanatory Animation
from all over the web
for inspiration in designing your own motion-enhanced explanations
(good and bad)
Would any of these approaches would be right for explaining your content?
Asthmapolis: The uses and value of a sensor that tracks the times and places people use asthma inhalers -- for anonymous data aggregation, assisting public health. Concise and well-told, with an excellent combination of explode-apart tech drawings, live video and other illustrations.
Network: How our interactions with networked technology creates a digital identity that can be sold and used to serve advertising, including numeric data. Clear story with beautiful abstract visuals that support it.
Fubles: how to create and play virtual soccer tournaments. Very "hip" with lots of motion, but nonetheless teaches by storytelling.
Why you need CodeGuard: "When your website gets messed up, you're in a world of hurt."Cartoonish and addressed to "you," it's obviously intended to catch attention of more "hip" viewers. The trademark style of Epipheo Studios many examples here.
UN against corruption: What happens with people and money when there are bribes and more. Highly visual with lots of motion -- and does any of it actually add anything to the narration?
007's Cars: Scroll through time. User control of playback via vertical scroll bar on right side.
AT&T Data: Animation of a collection of pie and bar charts with icons. For display on a wall, not a device.
Sailboat Physics: How cavitation around the rudder slows a boat. Do 2D visuals effectively tell a 3D story?
March of Democracy: World map and world history, combined. Old technology and no sound, but effective design.
"Image is Everything": Long scrolling "infographic" where elements animate as you scroll down. Not very information-dense, but interesting technology.
Wind Map: Real-time weather data, visualized. OK, few of us have information whose correlation to a visual can be this exact, but isn't this great?
Photosynthesis: Older science animation. Divided into chapters (note "next" arrow at lower left), with animation in each chapter.
Don't miss visual.ly, where many infographics are shared. Some of them are animated.
I intend to continuously add to this list. If you have a suggested addition, please contact me.
[ Title: Description. Notes. ]
For resources about authoring and deploying explanatory animation,
see the Advice page.
To learn about comissioning custom explanimations
see www.explanagraphics.com.